Monday, November 28, 2011

'Tis the Season

This is the earliest that we have ever started putting up Christmas. I want to officially thank the checker at Wal-Mart for mentioning Santa to Ty, my 3-yr.-old, back in OCTOBER!!! I can’t even begin to explain how many times I have heard --- “Santa’s coming over?” --- since before Halloween! So, I guess that’s why we were so eager to pop open the Christmas boxes and start decorating. Each year we like to start a fire and put on old Christmas classics (think Bing Crosby and Dean Martin). I grew up listening to this kind of music at my Grandma’s house, so I want to give the same experience to my kids.

Opening up the boxes of ornaments always brings memories of years past. Each year, I let the kids decorate the tree that first night, knowing that the majority of ornaments are going to end up on the bottom most branches. I’m not one of those moms that has a perfect tree that could be featured in Martha Stewart. Not that I don’t want to be that kind of mom. I just know my limitations! I like our tree to just look like a mish mash of this and that. No real theme. Just a tree that tells a story of mine and Chris’ childhood merged with our own kids’ memories.

The boys had fun, but Elise wasn’t feeling well. I was planning on letting her suck on a candy cane, but we will have to wait until she is 100%. Taste is a very strong sense for her, and I love to see the delighted look on her face when given something sweet!

Elise was feeling pretty bad, but hung out with us in her beanbag surrounded by Christmas friends!

The whole family together (rare picture)

Never too big to get on Daddy’s shoulders!

Major concentration!

GiGi and her boys

S’mores time!

Roasting in the fireplace

Careful, Ty!

Lane’s marshmallow caught on fire!

I ate 3.

Ty’s creation...

Loving on my baby girl...

The Christmas season has officially started for Elise when she wears her red sparkle shoes!

We sure love Santa…

But we know who to worship during Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. It was so great meeting you at Laurie's. You have a beautiful family!
