We just got home after several days and nights in the hospital. Elise has been showing signs of discomfort and pain over the last few weeks. We just finished a round of antibiotics for the latest of a million ear infections she has suffered from since birth. Apparently, the infection didn’t want to budge, because Elise’s behavior has escalated in the last week or so from mildly agitated to “GET ME TO A DOCTOR, MAMA!!!” Her school called Monday and Tuesday to report the difficulties she was having during the day. She wouldn’t let her daddy brush her hair after her bath this last week, and her normal hitting and bopping herself in the face and head had turned pretty violent. I decided on Tuesday to load up all of the kids after school and scoot on over to the pediatrician’s office for a quick check up. Lane was disappointed to leave his friends, so I assured him that we would be back in an hour in time for him to play a little more while I cooked dinner. That’s not exactly what happened! (Sorry Lane)
The doctor was not comfortable with the way Elise was acting or how she looked physically, so after 2 hours and several in-office tests, she decided to send us to Children’s Hospital. Thank goodness Daddy swung by and plucked up the boys to take them home. So, Elise and I headed off to Children’s. Nine hours and 1 CAT scan later, she was admitted for Mastoiditis, an infection in her mastoid bone behind the ear. It is close to the brain and can spread. She needs all of the brain she can get, so I was happy to see the nurses coming with each dose of IV antibiotics.
We got to her room a little after 3:30am, and I finally conked out on the pull out bed/cot at 4:30. Our stay was very pleasant and I decided to look at it as a “mini” vacation from my everyday life. I want to say a big “Thank You” to all of our family and friends who showed their concern with calls, posts of FB, texts, and personal visits to the hospital. This kid has been covered in prayers! Thank you, Jesus, for providing the medical attention necessary for my Sweet Elise.

This is Elise waiting for the bus. She is typically WIDE awake at this time of the morning. I had a feeling we would be visiting the doctor when she got home.
Such good boys being patient while Elise is being examined.
OK, that didn’t last long. Thankfully, Daddy came to the rescue!
IV in her hand. This one blew the next day so they put another one in her foot. Fun stuff!
Her bed at home vibrates and I know she wondered why this one didn’t! I guess if I were a really good mom, I could have shaken it back and forth with my hands. I love her, but I have to draw the line somewhere!
Daddy and Ty-Bo visiting. He loves his Sissy!
The next day in desperate need of a hair washing.
Home Sweet Home… Back where she belongs!
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